Next update announcement! [v0.8] | Future plans

It's been three days since Euthymia was published here. 

And in these three days I got some bug reports and rates. As I see some people are interested. At least, somebody downloaded and played Euthymia. And this was my first goal as a developer who released the first product. 

I would like to share the fixes that will be in the next update (which will be released this weekend). If you notice any bugs that are not on the list, write them directly in the comments under this post!

  • character freezes when going down  - Fixed!
  • debug text when hitting with a katana - Also Fixed! (And katana hit is kinda usless right now, so it is no more avalable for better times)
  • character invincibility when throwing shuriken - Fixed!
  • interface bug when reloading shurikens - Fixed!

Also, there some changes:

  • Drone's sprite is bigger now (like x1.5)
  • Light and sky now more atmospheric and dark
  • Main Character is now faster (110% of speed)
  • A bit of optimisation achieved
  • a little background changes
  • Katana's physic model is rewamped

That's about fixes and little changes. And here some new things:

  • Four new buildings in generator!
  • New obstacles on the way!

AAAAAAAAAND FuturePlans :   When I started developing Euthymia, I immediately knew that I wanted to make a game that was complicated enough with fast gameplay and high scores so that I could compete with other people. And, of cource, I want see LeaderBoard in this game, and to update it in live. So, the leaderboard is in development now, and I will release it with update 1.0. 

As for other new features on horizon...  I want to make the game more diverse in terms of gameplay, and adding new places for running, some gadgets, new abilites, new enemies and even something like BOSS-FIGHT is in my plans. 

Thank you for playing this game. See ya on weekend!

Get Euthymia [0.8]


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Yeah! Future game star is back! LFG!